Thursday, July 30, 2015

Weapon of improvement

    Comski 1 is a very interesting subject because it helps all of us to develop our reading skills, comprehension and vocabulary. In Comski 1 we already challenged ourselves through examinations and activities. We also engaged ourselves in a group sharing regarding the hindrances we had experienced on effective reading. In this group activity I can say that most of us had the same reasons why reading for us is not effective. During our individual activities we had our focus on reading fast and accurate. It means that when reading, our main concern should not be solely on speed but more on our conprehension of the given text because the moment we fail to understand the text, there would be necessity to re-read the whole text again and that would be a complete waste of time. This preference of speed over comprehension on most of us can be reflected on the survey. According to it most of us are bored when we are reading and it is not our hobby. This is the reason why we started to work on our reading plan. Through this reading plan, we will be able to put reading as one of our interests and one of our hobbies, we will be able to set our goals to improve our vocabulary and also our love for reading and through the aid of these activities, we can be flexible in reading and because of good flexibilty in reading we may be able to reach our goals not only on our reading plan but also our goals in our life. Through the activities that we have done, I can say that if we continue to do it, I am sure that our inprovement will reach the success that we want. We must learn to concentrate on these activities because it will bring us to the top. The reading plan is a great project because it teaches us to be responsible in reading. The activities will help me aim higher and I know that it will surely make me the best reader that I can be.

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